Ngagyur Kathok Adzom Wosel Dongag Choekorling

Inauguration Ceremony

October 13, 2015

On the 11th – 13th of November, 2014, Azom Wosel Dongag Chokher Ling Monastery was officially inaugurated after six years of construction, the culmination of Azom Jurmey Jamtso Rinpoche’s vision to create a centre of monastic excellence in terms of study and practice. Over three joyous days, the monastery welcomed many high lamas and representatives from all traditions. Many nuns, monks, officials and lay members of the community joined us on this auspicious occasion. The new monastery was officially opened by H.H. Gyeste Rinpoche and H.E. Jamyang Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche in the grand shrine hall on morning of the 13th of November.

We were lucky to receive advice and teachings and were entertained by traditional Bhutanese dancers and student monks from the monastery who performed traditional masked dances. After the ceremony we were further blessed to receive two days of empowerments from H.E. Jamyang Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche.

May the glory and happiness of these first days signify a positive and long future for our monastery and may it create the conditions for our monks to prosper in all their dharmic activities.


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